A place for growth
The Town of Pittsboro has invited Chatham Alliance to develop an Educational Demonstration Garden in the new Pop-Up-Park being developed on Salisbury Street.
The Rotary Club of Pittsboro has joined the partnership as the major financial sponsor for the project, which is already in the early stages of development.
The garden will focus on easy and inexpensive methods for growing fresh fruits and vegetables at home, even with only very limited space. Additionally, the garden will cultivate flowers to beautify the park itself.

Celebrating Independence Day
Community members of all ages coming together to honor Independence Day

Bringing In the Harvest
Working to produce with a team to produce Chatham Harvest bowls was truly an eye opening experience for me!!!

It’s Not Just About Food
Chatham Chuckwagon, a Chatham Alliance program, has become a source of warmth, sustenance, and support for our community. Every Tuesday, like clockwork, volunteers gather to distribute homemade, frozen meals to anyone who seeks them. The heartwarming scene unfolds at 4:30 PM, as cars line up, eager to receive these culinary blessings.

Month of Love
“Month of Love”. Those words are on a poster at the elementary school where I work. I pass the poster several times a day. It’s just outside the Pre-K classroom and has several scribble-painted hearts pasted on it in purples and reds. Each painted by one of the children in the class. It’s full of celebration that will go for the whole month.

Chicken Soup Really is Good for the Soul
Last week the Chatham Alliance was fortunate to work in collabora6on with The Chatham County Housing Collec6ve. Some of the members of this collec6ve consist of The Salva6on Army of Chatham County, United Way, Love Chatham, Central Piedmont Community Ac6on, Central Pines Regional Council and The Winter Weather Survival Drive team. January 31, 2024, is the day that Chatham County, NC conducted its Point in Time or PIT count.

Teamwork makes the dream work!
Teamwork makes the dream work! It’s an expression that’s often used with children to instill the value of inclusive partnerships. This is also the exact formula that enables the Chatham Alliance to expand the reach of care and nutrional support that we’re able to share with our community. Meet our newest team members, First United Methodist Church of Siler City.

A Partnership Built on Service
In Siler City, the Salvation Army of Chatham serves its county in various ways. Their mission statement is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and offer hope to anyone who comes to them. Their goal is to try to give hope to everyone! They help with emergency financial aid and housing crises, coach people through financial management, and give meals to locals in need. When helping with emergency financial assistance, for example, if someone needs help paying a bill, the Salvation Army will help pay a bill for them every 24 months, depending on the situation.

Small Things
The Chatham marketplace, in Pittsboro, sponsored a round-up campaign throughout September and October with all donations pledged to the Chatham Alliance.

Oh, What Fun it is to Slide!
The One Day Water Park at the Chatham Fairgrounds in Pittsboro brought to mind the words of that Christmas song we all know and love – “Oh! What fun it is to ride…” But instead of “ride,” the day was all about SLIDE. Everything slides and water. There were multiple bouncy house slides at the fairgrounds. Water was constantly dripping down the slides making them extra slick and slippery. And “Oh what FUN!” Children of all ages enjoyed the day. Yes, there were a few adults who tried out the slides, but mostly it was the children who were sliding and having all the fun.

Cookie Joy
You probably have tasted it at least a few times in your life. Cookie joy. Maybe, for you, tastes like chocolate chip or snickerdoodle or sugar cookie or some other scrumptious variety are what you remember from your growing up years. The joy part though, isn’t just about the taste. It’s about the receiving.