Chicken Soup Really is Good for the Soul

The Point-In-Time count refers to a counting of sheltered and unsheltered citizens that are experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. The count is required by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of all Continuums of Care and is used to determine the level of federal funding they may receive.

This year, January 31, 2024, was the date of the Chatham County, NC Point-In-Time (PIT) count. The effort was carried-out by The Chatham County Housing Collective which has amongst its members The Salvation Army of Chatham County, United Way,Love Chatham, Central Piedmont Community Action, Central Pines Regional Council and The Winter Weather Survival Drive team.

The Chatham Alliance was fortunate to work in collaboration with The Chatham County Housing Collective on this year event.

A team from the Chatham Alliance’s Chuckwagon spent the part of the morning and the afternoon preparing and packaging chicken soup to be served as a simple supper during the PIT Count.

Volunteers cleaned, chopped and cooked chicken, noodles, veggies that would ultimately go into a delicious soup. Hard work and a whole lot of laughter was the recipe of the day for the volunteers that prepared the soup that was lovingly shared with the community.

Some of the other participants of this collaboration were able to offer hats, gloves, and hygiene bags, while others were able to engage with the community, offer the meal of hot chicken soup, roll and a chocolate chip cookie. This simple supper, hosted by the Salvation Army, was offered to all community members regardless of their circumstances.

Unsheltered were counted, gifts were shared, and community members were able to love one another. Chicken soup really is good for the soul.


Month of Love


Teamwork makes the dream work!